Author Archives
Dr. Johnson and Rachel Chalet to present at Midwestern Carbon Rule Advocates Technical Meeting in Chicago
Open Post Doc Position – Environmental Impacts of Using Demand Response and Distributed Energy Storage for Reserves
Please see the attached flyer to learn more: UMEI_Postdoc
Media coverage for analysis on Michigan’s RPS and Carbon Rule
Midwest Energy News:
Dr. Johnson and Dr. Mathieu receive UM Energy Institute funding to study demand response and distributed energy storage to provide ancillary services
Program: University of Michigan Energy Institute Partnerships for Innovation in Sustainable Energy Technologies (PISET)
Project title: “Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Providing Power System Reserves with Demand Response and Distributed Energy Storage”
Dr. Johnson discusses the EPA’s new carbon rule for existing power plants
Dr. Johnson and Josh Novacheck to present energy systems research at ISSST
Dr. Johnson Discusses Michigan’s RPS with Ann Arbor SPARK
5 Lakes Energy and the Energy Foundation Fund Research on Carbon Mitigation for Existing Power Plants
UM Energy Institute Funds Study on Michigan Renewable Portfolio Standard